Kaisa Ka History
Since its inception in 1998, KAISA KA has been advancing the rights and welfare of Filipino women who are usually in the periphery of development and most often, the victims of natural and man-made disasters, economic crisis and militarism fomented by globalization. Women from various sectors—peasants, workers, students, urban poor and indigenous people—have formed KAISA KA chapters in different regions and provinces throughout the Philippines. Filipino women now believe that, armed with information, analytical skills and readiness to work, they can be empowered to address their situation collectively.
Kaisa Ka faces various issues of violence that are organized into campaigns.
Anti-globalization campaign which focuses on feminization of labor contractualization, feminization of migration and on the impact on women of privatization of social services—such as water, electricity, reproductive health and education—worsening poverty and prostitution.
Opposition to the US War and Militarism for all of its barbarity including rape as a war weapon, women’s bodies as war booty, dislocation of women, environmental destruction, violence against women in situations of armed conflict.
- Environmental and energy issues, specifically, their effects on women’s health, livelihood and access to resources.
- Heightened Political Repression and its toll on women’s lives, its implications on women’s mobility and freedom to organize.

Additional Information:
"On the so-called Recantation," March 2009 - Kaisa Ka's response to the "March 12 Affidavit" of Nicole Case. Provides insight on deeper issues of patriarchy within the VFA and U.S. military occupied Philippines.
Military Exercises and Violence against Women and Children:
How Do We Keep Ourselves Safe? Bb. Corazon D. Requizo – KAISA KA National Secretary General - Paper Prepared by KAISA KA for the 7 International Meeting of the
International Women’s Network Against Militarism
Guahan, September 14-19, 2009
Organization’s contact information.
Kaisa Ka (Unity of Women – Philippines)
Kaisa Ka National Office:
# 22-A Libertad St., Brgy. Highway Hills
Mandaluyong City Philippines
Phone: (632) 717 3262, Fax: (632-5321746)
Email: kaisa_ka98 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Key Facts about the Organization
Through Kaisa Ka’s activities, such as conferences, workshops, alliance work, forums and mass actions, Kaisa Ka works to address the present conditions in the Philippines. Through studies, they have shown how globalization impacts women workers in the special industrial zones and in urban poor communities in Manila. Also, they conducted fact finding missions on toxic wastes and their effects in the Texas Instruments Plant in Baguio City. Kaisa Ka has anti-pollution campaigns to Stop the Construction/Operation of TIPCO, in collaboration with local campaign organizations and governments. |
US-Philippine military exercises have produced abuses against women in war-torn communities. The Women’s War Watch monitors and documents those abuses perpetrated on women by military forces. Kaisa Ka has organized forums and Mass Actions for the Abrogation of the Visiting Forces Agreement in connection with dislocated families and other attendant problems. Also, their campaign on the Subic Rape Case: Justice for Nicole, Justice for Our Nation, and Stop Killing Mothers Campaign (Campaign against Extra-judicial Execution of Women) are actions to address the violence against women due to increased militarization of the Philippines.
The issues that they face require alliance with other organizations within and outside of the Philippines. To address globalization and US-led wars of aggression, Kaisa Ka has participated in women’s conferences in Northern Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, to build unity of will and action of women across sectors and religions. Also, they have collaborated with Peace Cycle Japan for the Yearly Peace Cycle, an anti-wars-of-aggression campaign in collaboration with Japanese activists. The Peace Cycle Japan also supported Kaisa Ka in the Struggle for Justice of the Japanese Imperial Army’s Mass Rape Victims with the organization Malaya Lolas of Mapanique. |
Kaisa Ka addresses the need for leadership development among women through workshops and trainings in organization building, public speaking, facilitating forums/meetings and leading campaigns. By working with students and teachers, they have conducted seminars on Violence against Women and Anti-Sexual Harassment Law in order to build mechanisms to address these issues in several factories.
Requizo, Corazon
Filipino Women Unite and Stand Up for their Rights! December 9, 2007. |