Living Along the Fenceline
Film Screening with Music, Food, Speakers
Living Along the Fenceline tells the stories of 7 remarkable women who live alongside U.S. military bases. They are teachers, organizers, and healers, moved by love and respect for the land, and hope for the next generation. From San Antonio (Texas) to Vieques (Puerto Rico), Hawai', Guam, Okinawa, South Korea, and the Philippines, this film inspires hope and action. A GLOBAL DAY OF ACTION AGAINST MILITARY SPENDING. To see the trailer of the film, visit http://alongthefenceline.com/.
Delancy Street Foundation Screening Room
600 Embarcadero St. San Francisco, CA
Thursday April 14, 2011
Doors Open 6:30 PM
Sliding Scale $5 - $15
No one turned away.
For more information, visit
info [at] genuinesecurity [dot] org
(415) 312-5583 |