Core Members
What is Genuine Security
Transnational Organizing
Contact Us

As women living in the United States, our model of
organizing transnationally means taking into account the unequal power
relationships between the US and the countries where US bases are
located. Taking our own national privilege seriously, we strive
to create working relationships that are equal, mutually respectful,
and democratic between women across nations. We seek to avoid
recreating the same power hierarchy among us as exists between our
nations. We want to work with women who are doing grassroots
organizing, which means that Translation and interpretation is a key
component of our work.
This international network includes strong friendships
that have been sustained for over a decade. We believe that
working together is possible despite language difference, cultural
differences, and geographic distance because we have forged strong
personal relationships, not just based on the issues we care about, but
by really hearing and sharing each others’ passions, life stories, and
commitments. Our international meetings last from 4-7 days to
allow time for ample translation, and the cultural sharing that grounds
our relationships and commitments to one another’s struggles and to our
work together. We also build our connections through
country-to-country exchanges of women activists visiting each other for
consultation, study, speaking tours, research, and shared