- Donate to Typhoon Ondoy (aka Ketsana) Relief
Information About the Typhoon
Information about Tsunami in the Samoas
A letter from Kaisa Ka about how you can help relief efforts
(Unity of Women for Freedom– Philippines)
Kaisa Ka National Office: # 22-A Libertad St. Highway Hills, Mandaluyong City, Philippines 1501 Telefax: (632) 717 3262 Email: kaisa_ka98@yahoo. com and kaisakasakalayaan@ kaisaka.org
September 28, 2009
Dear Friends:
Typhoon Ondoy that hit the Philippines last Friday, Saturday and Sunday (September 25, 26 and 27) caused the most severe flooding in 42 years in the country. It affected a large part of Metro Manila, and Central Luzon and some portions of Southern Tagalog. Landslides occurred in upland areas of Rizal and in Arayat in Pampanga. More than 140 people died and many are still missing.
While many of our organization’s members are also victims and are still trying to cope with their difficult situations, KAISA KA, a women’s organization in the Philippines cannot just watch and wait for government’s and major private relief groups’ actions. The number of victims and the areas affected are just too massive for relief efforts to cover.
And so, KAISA KA is calls for donations, in kind and in cash and is directly doing relief work for flood victims of typhoon Ondoy. It is collaborating with other organizations under Oplan Sagip Bayan.
We ask for your understanding and support for this project.
Yours sincerely,
Corazon Requizo
Mail Check donations to Kaisa Ka
Write checks to Women for Genuine Security,
(Philippines typhoon) in byline
1607 Sonoma Ave.
Albany CA 94707
Philippine Red Cross
FiRE-New York (Filipinas for Rights and Empowerment-Gabnet USA)
PayPal account: http://bit.ly/ornJy
Project Ondoy
Kintera.org | Select "Philippines" in the drop down menu of the US tax deduction area
Unicef - Help Children Affected by the Typhoon
FIlipino Community Center - Drop Off
Attn: Babae
4681 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94112
Anakbayan East Bay - Drop Off
Asian Community Mental Health Office
310 8th Street Suite # 215
Oakland, CA 94609
Relief Packages (Balikbayan)
Manila Forwarder will provide free balikbayan box shipment to Philippine National Red Cross, Churches, and other goverment agencies directly responsible with the relief operations. Please drop off the relief goods to our team members involved in this project:
Manila Forwarder Headquarter
4249 Eagle Rock Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90065
Manila Forwarder Northern California
5750 Mission Street,
San Francisco, CA 94112
Tel: 510-750-3036
Tel: 209-3499576
Tel: 415-239-9576
Pinoy Kargo
Manila Forwarder
2 Honor Oaks Court,
The Woodlands, TX 77382
Read up on what has come out out of the 7th International Women's Network Against Militarism Conference here at this blog
You are invited to attend:
- Women's Resistance, Resilience and Respect for Human Rights: Fundraiser House Party

Please come to:
1607 Sonoma Ave. Albany (home of Debbie Lee and family)
Sunday August 30th 2-5pm. Short program at 3pm
Events include:
*Deserts by Jonas Low, Pastry Chef at Gary Danko
*Lindsey Kerr trio
*Preview clips of WGS film, "Along the Fenceline: Women's Voices for Peace and Security" by Lina Hoshino
*Silent auction
*Activities for children
Driving directions:
From Highway 80, take Buchanan Street/Albany exit. Turn right and continue east on Buchanan/Marin Street. Turn right on Peralta. Left on Sonoma. Enter through pathway to the backyard garden.
Need a ride from North Berkeley BART? Call: 415 312-5583
Tax-deductible donations should be made payable to the Agape Foundation and earmarked “WGS.” For online donations, visit our website. We can also accept donations payable to WGS. Please mail checks to WGS, 965 62nd Street, Oakland CA 94608
Who we are:
We envision a world of genuine security based on justice, respect for others across national boundaries, and economic planning based on local people’s needs. Our shared mission is to build and sustain a network of women to promote, model, and protect genuine security in the face of militarism. We are part of the International Women's Network for Peace. The International Women's Network started in 1997 and links women activists, policy-makers, teachers and students from Guam, Hawai'i, Korea, Okinawa, mainland Japan, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and the United States to share information and strategize about the negative effects of military operations in all our countries.
Resistance, Resilience, and Respect for Human Rights
CHinemma’, Nina’maolek, yan Inarespetu para Direchon Taotao
Location: University of Guam , Mangilao, Guåhan
Dates: September 14-19, 2009
Women across the globe have endured tremendous struggles to protect their families and survive during times of war and unrest. It is from these struggles that women have gained the strength to fight for peace. This September, they will gather on the island of Guam for the 7th Meeting of the International Network of Women Against Militarism themed, “Resistance, Resilience and Respect for Human Rights”.
The five-day conference will bring together women from Japan, Okinawa, South Korea, Hawaii, Philippines, Australia, Republic of Belau, Marshall Islands, Guam, United States, Puerto Rico and Saipan – all of whom have felt the tremendous impacts of US military bases in their homelands.
The International Network of Women Against Militarism has been meeting since 1997 to share information and strategize about the negative effects of US military operations. These effects include military violence against women and girls, the plight of mixed-race Amerasian children abandoned by US military fathers, environmental contamination, cultural degradation and the distortion of local economies. They focus on how military institutions, values, policies and operations impact communities, especially women.
The United States has had a strong military presence on Guam for more than a century, and occupies nearly one-third of the island. Guam, which has been dubbed “the tip of the spear” by the US Department of Defense, is in the midst of an unprecedented military build-up as the US plans to move 17,000 Marines and their dependents from Okinawa to the island. The conference comes at a critical time in Guam ’s history, and aims to bring international attention to the concerns being raised about the proposed build-up.
The conference will feature workshops and public forums on human trafficking and prostitution; political arrangements with the United States; rethinking peace and security; exploring alternatives for economic sustainability; environmental contamination and toxicity; and much more.
There will also be a historical tour of the island; a community vigil to honor the past and heal for the future; a public art event featuring local and international artists; and many opportunities to network and establish goals for the future.
For more information please contact: Dr. LisaLinda Natividad at lisanati at yahoo dot com or (671) 735-2962.
Sponsoring Organizations: Conscious Living; Famoksaiyan; Fuetsan Famalao’an; Guåhan Coalition for Peace and Justice; Guåhan Indigenous Collective; GUAHAN Project; Global Fund for Women; Office of Minority Health Resource Center; Sage Project, Incorporated; Women and Gender Studies Program, University of Guam.
Click here to help WGS raise funds to send women from Puerto Rico, Hawaii and the Bay Area to attend this meeting.
- Hear updates on Island Peoples’ resistance to U.S. military bases & their struggle for life and land.
- Including book launch of: Island of Shame: The Secret history of the US Military Base on Diego Garcia
- Share food and community
WHEN: TUESDAY MAY 19th, 6.30pm for dinner. Program starts at 7pm.
RSVP for dinner to Gwyn Kirk (gwyn@igc.org; 510 652-7511)
WHERE: PANA Institute, 2357 Le Conte Ave, Berkeley (off Hearst) .
Ethnic Studies professor, Mills College
Advisor, Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, and
Collaborator, Ceiba Alliance for Development (PR community organizations that address the issue of military and ex-military lands)
Author: Kicking Off the Bootstrap: Environment, Development and Community Power in Puerto Rico (University of Arizona Press) + many articles on Puerto Rico, resistance to militarism, and environmental justice.
Anthropology professor. American University, Washington, DC.
Author: Island of Shame: The Secret history of the US Military Base on Diego Garcia
This explosive new book exposes the other Guantánamo in the heart of the Indian Ocean. Although most don’t know it exists, the U.S. military base on the island of Diego Garcia is one of the most strategically important and secretive U.S. military installations in the world, serving as a launch pad for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a top-secret CIA prison, and a centerpiece for U.S. domination of Middle East oil supplies. Island of Shame also reveals the shocking truth of how the United States conspired with Britain to forcibly expel Diego Garcia's indigenous people—the Chagossians—and dump them in impoverished exile. (All the author’s proceeds will be donated to the Chagossians) .
FAMOKSAIYAN: organizing for self-determination for Chamorro people of Guåhan/Guam (TBC).
DIRECTIONS: Downtown Berkeley BART. Take University to Oxford. Left on Oxford, right on Hearst, left on Le Conte. Call 415 312 5583 if you need a ride from BART. Parking space in the driveway or on the street.
SPONSORS: Women for Genuine Security & PANA Institute (Pacific School of Religion)
For more information: Deborah Lee (dlee@psr.edu) • www.panainstitute. org
Gwyn Kirk (gwyn@igc.org);, 510 652- 7511 • www.genuinesecurity .org
www.moderntimesbook store.com
- “Another Un-Happy Birthday”: Mourning the 6th year we have been in the war in Iraq
“Another Un-Happy Birthday”: WGS, WILPF, GabNet, and Friends at the Balboa BART Station"
Date/Time: 4:30 - 7PM, March 19, 2009
Where: Balboa BART Station
What to wear: All Black
What to bring? Bring your own candle (BYOC)
Format: Only a few people will pass out the “Another un-happy birthday” pamphlets. Everyone else will stand in solidarity. This is a silent vigil.
Recommendations: Don’t block walkways. We don’t have a permit. Noise level needs to be low.
Also, bring signs that will educate folks about the war in Iraq and the costs. Please do not bring organization banners: we want to focus on the messaging since at every BART station different organizations are also demonstrating.
Parking: Limited/street only.
- FACES Conference "Cultivating Hope"

The Filipino/American Coalition for Environmental Solidarity (FACES) presents
Cultivating Hope
FACES' 5th National Conference
Join FACES for our 5th National Conference, where participants will:
* deepen awareness of environmental justice issues that affect the US and Philippines
* learn about FACES history, the Chevron accountability campaign, and summer solidarity trip
* engage in lively discussion
* hear from Philippine grassroots partners and guest speakers
* build community with old and new faces
* gain skills and tools in capacity building workshops led by Francis Calpotura of TIGRA, spoken word poet and educator Aimee Suzara, and more!
Conference Quick Facts
When: February 6-8, 2009
Where: Center for Environmental Health (CEH), 2201 Broadway Suite 210, Oakland, CA 94612. Event is BART accesible (walking distance from 19th St. BART) and other public transit.
Cost: sliding scale, no one turned away for lack of funds. $10-25 for Day 1 or Day 3, $20-30 for Day 2, 3-day package $50-$100 ($50 or above includes FACES membership). Includes meals and refreshments with vegetarian options. Payments will be made on-site.
Reserve online now: http://www.cultivat inghope.eventbri te.com/
Conference Schedule Summary
Friday, Feb. 6, Day 1: 6:00-9:00 pm
Introductions, history and Philippine partner messages. Dinner and refreshments.
Saturday, Feb. 7, Day 2: 8:30-5:30pm
Caucusing, capacity building workshops, campaign updates, board elections, and transnational environmental justice presentation. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Saturday, Feb. 7, Day 2: 7:00-9:00pm "Pandacan: A Legacy of Pride and Pollution" at the Bayanihan Community Center, San Francsico. Visit http://www.pandacan .eventbrite. com
Sunday, Feb. 8, Day 3: 8:30-11:00am
Future planning, caucus reportbacks, and closing. Breakfast and refreshments.
"Pandacan: Legacy of Pride and Pollution"
When: Saturday, February 7, 2009, 7-9pm
Where: Bayanihan Community Center, 1010 Mission Street Suite B, San Francisco, CA. Public transit accessible (walking distance from Powell BART). Please make time for parking; street parking limited
Cost: Open to the public, donations gladly accepted at the door, suggested sliding scale $7-30
Come for an evening of live music, storytelling, and multimedia bearing witness to Pandacan. Featuring the testimonials of solidarity trip participants, guest speakers, musicians, and an exhibit highlighting Pandacan's rich history, current struggles and future possibilities.
More than 84,000 Filipinos live in Pandacan, the heart of Metro Manila. Families, students and businesses live in the vicinity of Pandacan's massive oil depots and face daily threats to their health and safety. Yet Pandacan is more than a toxic site - it is the birthplace of Filipino opera, balagtasan poetry, national revolutionaries, and communities' struggles for justice.
*balikbayan = literally, return to the (home)land*
RSVP online: http://pandacan. eventbrite. com
Contact: Aileen Suzara, info[at]facessolida rity.org
About FACES: Launched in 2000, FACES is an intergenerational organization that works for environmental justice within communities in the United States and in the Philippines, and builds partnerships through advocacy, education, service, and organizing. FACES' current campaign, CAREnow!, pressures Chevron to take accountability among Philippine and global communities. For more info visit: http://www.facessol idarity.org, contact info[at]facessolida rity.org or call 415-378-0909.
Dear Women for genuine security, international network, allies and friends,
We need your help.
We are compiling letters to Obama that will be formed into an official letter packet. It will be given to different state department officials at the Security Withou Empire conference in February 27 to March 2.
We want to invite all of you to submit a one page letter. Please no letters longer then a page. We will take care of compiling them, forming packets and giving them out. To get us all on the same page, we are asking that you simply address the question: What does genuine security mean to you?
Your letter may be whatever style you feel comfortable writing. If you would like to get feedback, please send before the deadline. Otherwise, please SEND BY FEBRUARY 15. OUR GOAL: to have at least ten of us write letters. We have four right now, one from myelf, Maikiko, Ellen, and Gwyn. It would be great to have your voices a part of this compilation of letters to Obama that focus on what genuine security means to women in the peace movement.
Our goal is to really make visible how writing letters is a performance, so these letters will be transformed into multi-media productions, with performing arts, dance, video, and art. We hope to perform them during our Guam meeting in September.
Sample themes are:
- Letter on "The Body" by Annie -- will include performing arts -- Coke and Eriko, it would be great to get you two involved in this
- Letter on "Empathy" by Maikiko -- will include a montage of images of women who organize for peace and other imageries
- Letter on "historical trauma" by Ellen will be a dialogue with Obama.
- Letter by Gwyn spoke on Obama's confidence, and various mediums we can imprint our messages.
- Global Disconnects: The Internet & Human Trafficking
February 20-21, 2009 Berkeley, California
Brought to you by The Center for Race & Gender (UC Berkeley), Students & Artists Fighting to End Human Slavery (Northern CA), and The End Internet Trafficking Coalition (USA)
www.eitcoalition. org
As the internet has become more and more a part of the everyday in the U.S. and the global north, questions have arisen: How has the internet used as a tool for violence, for the trafficking and sexual exploitation of people? How has it used as a tool for social change to counter violence? In 2008 the End Internet Trafficking Coalition formed to address the increasing usages of services on the web to exploit people through labor and sex violence. In an effort to further the conversations that began with a national call through emails to collaborate, the coalition recorded an online presentation on the issue. February 20-21, 2009, in a conference meeting titled, "Global Disconnects: The Internet & Human Trafficking" the coalition and collaborators will be meeting at UC Berkeley to address the complexities of human trafficking and the technoscapes of the web, as well as the prospects for countering human trafficking through theory and practice.
Invited speakers include, but not limited to: Linda Criddle (Author of Look Both Ways), Norma Ramos (Executive Director of Coalition Against the Trafficking of Women), Melissa Farley (Executive Director, Prostitution Research Education) and more! Check www.eitcoalition. org for updates
Join us in a national conference to address the local and global dynamics of the internet and human trafficking, and the theorizing and practice of making change to end violence.
February 20, 2009
6PM - 10PM
Gaia Arts Berkeley
Art Exhibit with works from SAFEHS, FAIR Fund Inc., and Beth Bloom
Musical performances by Dylan Bolles, Sasha Hom and Edward Schocker, "The Myth of Ten Thousand Things"
Solo Performance by Praba Pilar, "Computers Are a Girl's Best Friend"
Poetry, Food, and Opportunity to Meet Invited Speakers and more
February 21, 2009
10AM - 5PM
Lipman Room UC Berkeley
Conference with Invited Speakers and Panelists.
Panel themes include:
"What is the human in human trafficking? "
"Conceptualizing the 'Girl': The politics of child trafficking"
"Beyond the boundaries of a Nation-State: Global Implications"
"Configuring the Local in the Global: Behind Closed Doors of the State and the Family"
"Tactical Strategies: Beyond the Internet as Violence"
Details of program coming soon. Visit www.eitcoalition. org for updates
Contact: annie@eitcoalition. org to volunteer or learn more about how you may get involved
Thank you to the Sponsors:
2009 "Global Disconnects: The Internet & Human Trafficking" Conference Sponsors
The Barnaba Institute
Beatrice Bain Research Group (UC Berkeley
Berkeley Center for New Media (UC Berkeley)
Coalition Against the Trafficking of Women
FAIR Fund, Inc.
Gabriela Network
Gender & Women's Studies (UC Berkeley)
Lyric at Berkeley
My Definicion
Prostitution Research Education
Sisters of the Holy Family, Fremont, CA.
Students & Artists Fighting to End Human Slavery,
Conference Publicity Sponsors:
Amnesty International USA
- Security Without Bases National Organizing Conference on Foreign Military Bases
Join Us at the Security Without Empire Conference
There is a sense of relief that many here in the U.S. feel after the presidential election, but we understand this is a time to step up our organizing for peace and economic justice — including the growing movement to close and withdraw the nearly 1,000 U.S. military bases located in foreign nations.
From Okinawa and Guam to Honduras, Germany, Iraq, and beyond people who have suffered from the abuses inherent to foreign military bases have been calling for their withdrawal. People in the U.S. have joined this call, outraged by the damage done by U.S. bases abroad and by their expense, which diverts $138 billion a year from addressing human needs and revitalizing our economy. Representatives of 13 organizations have come together to organize a national conference or the closing and withdrawal of military bases. The goals of the conference are:
* Share information about U.S. foreign mlitary bases and resistance;
* Develop new strategies and expand the U.S. anti-bases movement;
* Integrate anti-bases organizing into a more coherent movement;
* Raise the visibility of the U.S. and international anti-bases movements;
* Apply pressure on Congress;
* Close and reduce the number of foreign bases.
The conference will feature base opponents from many “host” nations and will include leading activists as keynote speakers, panelists and workshop facilitators.
Monday, March 2, will be a lobbying day on Capitol Hill, in which we encourage as many conference attendees as possible to participate. We’ll provide talking points and group leaders.
For more information, contact:
Genevie Gold
GGold at afsc.org
(617) 661-6130 x137
National Project on U.S. Military Bases
From February 27th to March 2nd, 2009 young people from across the country will converge on Washington D.C. to take a message of bold, comprehensive and immediate federal climate action to Capitol Hill. We will leverage the momentum we have built through the Campus Climate Challenge, Power Shift 2007, and our election campaign Power Vote to pressure our politicians to take the action our generation demands.
Through Power Shift 2009, participants will...
- Push the new Administration and Congress to pass bold, comprehensive, and just national climate legislation before entering international climate negotiations in December 2009 and to build and ratify a strong global climate agreement. Bold climate policies will protect us from the worst impacts of climate change and help us build a new clean energy economy that keeps and creates jobs and allows all communities to participate and benefit.
- Develop a comprehensive movement strategy for 1.) continued and increased political pressure and accountability and 2.) a uniform vision/direction that helps facilitate the development and implementation of individual and group action plans for the overall growth of our movement.
- Strengthen bonds between diverse youth constituencies, train and empower participants with the skills needed to create one movement that tackles climate change, environmental injustice, and economic failure.
- Connect with fellow organizers and build community to strengthen our movement and sustain our own involvement over the long-run.
- Understand the magnitude of both the challenges and opportunities at hand (climate, socio-economic injustice, personal, etc.) and explore our own capacities to create transformative change.
That's where you come in. To reach our goal of uniting thousands of young people at Power Shift, we need your help. You can grow our movement by inviting ten of your friends to register for Power Shift ! The shift starts with you!
- Walking on the Fenceline: An Open House with Women for Genuine Security
Join us for a night of poetry, film and meeting the members of Women for Genuine Security.
Walking on the Fenceline:
An Open House with Women for Genuine Security
Monday, Nov 17
6:30-8:30 pm
I-Hotel Manilatown Center
868 Kearny St. (@ Jackson)
San Francisco, CA
Walking Directions:
Get off Montgomery Station and walk one block up to Kearny St. Turn right on Kearny, walking toward Chinatown, until you hit Jackson St. We are at the corner of Kearny & Jackson. Wheel chair accessible.
- Know Before You Vote: Rethinking Prop V and K
Community Conversation on SF City propositions: K and V
Prop K (decriminalizing the sex industry)
Prop V (re-introducing JROTC in SF schools)
WHEN: Wednesday, October 15th 7-9pm.
WHERE: Quaker Building, 65 - 9th Street, San Francisco
Civic Center BART & MUNI o on street parking o wheelchair accessible.
Decided or undecided on these propositions? Find out more before you vote.
Read an article on WGS members' position on Prop K and V
Come hear community activists talk about the deeper issues behind the sound bites, and share your ideas for
sustainable communities.
Women for Genuine Security with American Friends Service Committee Peace Education Committee,
GABNet, and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom-San Francisco, and Women of Color
Resource Center.
- Save the Date: RALLY in front of SF Philippine Consulate
When: Monday, July 28th
Time: 5:30pm
Where: San Francisco Philippine Consulate, 447 Sutter Street (c/s: Powell St.)
Organized by:
BAYAN USA (www.bayanusa.org)
Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (SFCHRP)
Anakbayan EastBay
League of Filipino Students (LFS)
For inquiries or to endorse this action, please email bayanbayarea [at] gmail [dot] com
Propa - Day
Come make signs and props with us for the rally! Food will be provided for your tummies, signs and slogans for your stimulating mindz.
Hope to see yah there!
WHEN: SUNDAY, July 20, 2008
TIME: 12noon - 5pm (on whenever)
PLACE: Filipino Community Center in the Excelsior
35 San Juan Ave
San Francisco, CA 94112
(between: Mission & Alemany Blvd.)
On July 28 (Monday), BAYAN-USA along with various organizations in the Bay Area will lead a rally in front of the Philippine Consulate to inform the public about the REAL STATE OF THE NATION in the Philippines. Every year the U.S. backed Philippine president, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) speaks to the Philippine Senate, Filipino public via t.v. and radio, and other lawmakers to summarize her "achievements" and acknowledge members of the goverment whom she felt exhibited outstanding leadership.
Pres. GMA however has not achieved anything but mounting criticisms from the
Filipino people and the international community. From the rising gas prices and added
taxes to basic commodities, human rights violations and political killings, privatization of
education, U.S. military training camps in the Philippines, ZTE-NBN Broadband scandal,
and the continued rise of unemployment and poverty, it is no surprise why Filipino citizens
have spent hours in the streets demanding her resignation and lobbying in both the Senate
and the House of Representatives for her impeachment.
Below, you will find additional information regarding her past SONAs and the importance
of setting the record straight and correct! We don't want to hear any more lies and promises!
We hope that you can join us. Please wear black to the rally.
If you have questions, feel free to reply to this email adress: bayannorcal [at] gmail [dot] com
Thursday, July 24, 2008
6:00pm - 8:00pm
With special presentation by BAY-Peace Youth Leaders
East Side Arts Cultural Center
2277 International Blvd, Oakland, CA
For more info: 510-444-2700 x305 or email mroberts [at] coloredgirls [dot] org
We are so excited about our new popular education curriculum, PeaceGAMES, that we are celebrating its release with a launch party. Come learn about our newest curriculum PeaceGAMES with other educators, teachers, students, organizers and community members. Learn what a valuable tool PeaceGAMES can be in your classroom or community.
What people are saying about PeaceGAMES
"I found myself being engaged in fresh ways to think about the subtle dailinesses of militarization in our own and other women's lives. Everyone who plays PeaceGAMES will be a winner, gaining raised awareness, new listening skills and a deeper confidence in our ability to become clear-eyed citizens."
~Cynthia Enloe, author of Globalization and Militarism: Feminists Make the Link
"PeaceGAMES gets to the heart of what organizers and teachers need to know about the military and the ways we are all connected to it. Full of savvy questions, it's a board game, a curriculum, an anthology of resistance stories."
~Gwyn Kirk, Women for Genuine Security
"A curriculum like PeaceGAMES that deals honestly with questions of gender & militarism is especially critical right now as we enter the 6th year of the U.S. occupation in Iraq."
~Genevieve Negron-Gonzalez, Co-Founder, School of Unity & Liberation (SOUL)
PeaceGAMES is perfect for community-based, campus, and faith-based organizations
working on issues of peace, human rights and social justice.
Download the full PeaceGAMES curriculum at www.coloredgirls.org for $15.
Bring PeaceGAMES to your campus or community!
WCRC conducts PeaceGAMES trainings and workshops around the country.
For more information, email mroberts [at] coloredgirls [dot] org.
- Support San Francisco Clean Energy Act
The SF Clean Energy Act is a ballot measure that will instruct the city to take aggressive measures to drastically reduce carbon emissions, improve electric service and reduce cost to customers. It will...
- Will create a city municipal energy policy, not under the control of a private corporation.
- Mandate that by 2017, 51% of the electricity used in the city came from renewable resources.
- By 2030, 75% of SF electricity will be from renewable resources. Then by 2040, 100%, will be from renewable resources.
Click here to read an editorial about this act in the San Francisco Bay Guardian.
1) Please call or write these supervisors to tell them that if they don't support the SF Clean Energy Act, then they are sending a clear signal that they believe the City of San Francisco can trust PG&E to provide all the answers to our energy crisis. We know of the
2) Come out on Tuesday, July 22nd to show the media that the SF Clean Energy Act has wide public support.
Tuesday, July 22nd from 11AM-Noon @ Polk St. Steps of City Hall
Questions? Contact Aliza @ 510-717-6599
- Stop House Resolution 362: No oil embargo against iran
AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee), America's Pro-Israel lobby, has been pushing
very hard for a House Resolution to enforce an oil embargo against Iran, such as a strict regulation of
oil and resources entering and exiting the country. However, anti-war activists see this resolution as a
U.S.-Israel ploy to legitimize an attack on Iran. This report by Real
News.com featuring Gareth Porter
will get you up to speed if this is news to you;
Stop AIPAC.org has a page dedicated to stopping House Resolution 362 (and the Senate version
Res. 580), is calling for a protest in San Francisco on July 8, and is encouraging everyone to
contact their representatives;
Tuesday, July 8th, 3pm
San Francisco Federal Building
450 Golden Gate Ave
AIPAC's influence on the Congress is well-documented, most recently in the book, "The Israel
Lobby". Let your representative know that AIPAC is not the only voice in this country.
Go to Just Foreign Policy's action page to Ask Your Representative to Oppose H. Con. Res. 362.
For more information, visit http://stopaipac.org/.
- Sign petition opposing transfer of 8,000 marines to guam
Click here to read the history of Guam's militarization. Then click on the following website to sign the petition.
- Send Letter Saying NO to the Federalization of Vieques' Mosquito Bay (NO to HR5864)
Facebook group NO to the Federalization of Vieques' Mosquito Bay opposes the federalization of Mosquito Bay in the island of
Vieques, Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico's Resident Commissioner in Congress Luis Fortuño (R-PR) filed a bill that would do just that: H.R. 5864, the "Vieques Bioluminescent Bay Conservation Act of 2008". This unneccesary bill would federalize the beautiful bioluminescent Mosquito Bay which is already well protected by the local government.
The Governor of Puerto Rico, the Secretary of Puerto Rico's Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, the Mayor of Vieques, and civic and community organizations in Vieques such as the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques have all written public letters against H.R. 5864.
(1) WRITE A LETTER to the Chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources and say you oppose H.R. 5864:
The Honorable Nick Rahall
Chairman, House Natural Resources Committee
US House of Representatives
1324 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(2) EMAIL a copy of your letter opposing H.R. 5864 to Dave Jansen
(Staff Member of the House Natural Resources Committee) at:
dave.jansen@mail.house.gov . Send a copy to ViequesLibre at:
(3) SUBSCRIBE to the free listserve of ViequesLibre and keep abreast
of the issues by sending an email to: ViequesLibre-
Join the Facebook Group "NO to the Federalization of Vieques'
Mosquito Bay (NO to HR5864)":
- Send Letters in Support of Human Right Defenders Chatterji, Imroz and Kashmir Tribunal
Frontline Defenders has issued an urgent action alert regarding the harassment of Professor Chatterji, Advocate Imroz, and
the Kashmir Tribunal team:
For immediate contact with the authorities, the following contact
information may be useful:
Office of the President of India
Email: presidentofindia@rb.nic.in
Minister of Home Affairs
Mr. Shivraj Patil
Email: svpatil@sansad.nic.in
Fax: 0091-11-23794833
Ministry of External Affairs
Phone: 0091 23737623, 23737657, 23011165
Fax: 0091-23013254
Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir
Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad
Fax: 0091-194-2479133
- Sign on to FACES Chevron CareNow Campaign
Face2Face is gearing up for our annual solidarity trip to the Philippines! From July 21-30, participants will meet, connect, and learn from the stories of community members and organizations in Pandacan, Subic, and Clark in their work for environmental justice and recognition of their human rights.
Before the trip, a goal is to complete signing of 1,000 postcards asking Chevron to take corporate responsibility, and to listen to the concerns of the Pandacan community. We are almost at our goal and need around 350 more signatures.
If you can volunteer to pickup and get postcards signed, contact info@facessolidarit y.org. If you wish to be a signatory and cannot pickup a postcard in person, email your name, city/state, and short message to Chevron Corporation, asking for them to respect the people and environment of Pandacan, to info@facessolidarit y.org. Interested in supporting post-trip awareness project? donate online here.
FACES is actively looking for volunteers to help with postcard signing, upcoming event crew, website and graphic design, and for in-kind donations. Please email info@facessolidarit y.org if interested!
- Support Nation Wide Rally Against Deployment of Nuclear-Powered Aircraft
Yokosuka, Japan is the only
home port abroad for US aircraft carriers such as the non-nuclear powered Kitty Hawk, which played the leading part in the bombing of Afghanistan and Iraq. However, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier George Washington will replace Kitty Hawk, turning Japan further into a
strategic stronghold in Asia, the Pacific and the
world. In
addition, it will pave the way for the deployment of US nuclear-powered vessels to Japan, as a country twice bombed by nuclear weapons, furthering the
Japanese people's exposure to radiation.
Yokosuka citizens developed two signature-collecting
campaigns and collected the total number of more than 90,000
signatures for the enactment of an ordinance to hold a referendum on
the porting of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. The
Yokosuka City Assembly
rejected the draft ordinance to hold a referendum. The will and power of Yokosuka citizens, however, are not being ignored. On May 22, the aircraft carrier George Washington had a serious fire, putting off its deployment till September. This accident broke down a "security
myth" that Japanese and US governments used to justify the aircraft carrier.
Japanese public opinion against the deployment of George Washington is increasing by the accident. On July 13, 2008 there will be a Nation-Wide Rally to continue the protest the deployment of the nuclear-powered aircraft.
Send a solidarity message for the Nation-wide Rally to
Jun Chisaka
Secretary General
Japan Peace Committee
Fax: +81-3-3451-6277
E-mail: info@j-peace. org
- No Acquittal of Lance Corporal Daniel Smith
Nicole was brutally raped and violated by Corporal Lance Smith of the United States Marines at the former Subic Naval Base in Olongapo City, Philippines on November 1, 2005. After a year-long trial, Smith was convicted of rape and sentenced to serve 40 years in the Philippines on December 4, 2006. A year and a half later, Smith faces possible acquittal. Today, we stand together in solidarity with "Nicole" and the Task Force for Subic Rape (TFSR) to urge against Smith’s acquittal.
Unfortunately, these acts of violence against women, children and other civilians by the hands of US forces are systematic, not a few aberrant cases. The rapes are perpetrated and not brought to justice because of current US foreign policy, such as the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA).
TFSR, Kaisa Ka, WGS, Filipino/American Coalition for Environmental Solidarity ask supporters to send statements of disapproval to
ellenraec (at) yahoo (dot) com.
Okinawan people’s 10-year struggle to stop the construction of a massive new heliport for the US Marines in Henoko (northern Okinawa) has entered another critical phase. A Japanese Self-Defense Force gunboat equipped with divers will assist private contractors in the environmental “pre-survey” for the new base, starting mid-May 2007.
Okinawan activists ask supporters to send statements of disapproval to the
Also send solidarity messages to Henoko people
- Citizens Coalition for Peace, Fax: +81-98-885 8230
- Conference Opposing Heliport Construction, Fax: +81-980-53-6992
- Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence, Fax: +81-98-864-1539
This plan affects critical ocean habitat for the Okinawa dugong, an endangered species. Sign the on-line petition, demanding a sound Environmental Impact Assessment to save the dugong at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/511549172
Click here for more information |